What introverts want for Christmas

This Christmas, think about the introverts in your life because chances are that one of the closest people to you — your partner, child, parent or best friend — is an introvert.  Introverts make up one-third to one-half of the world, so whether or not it’s acknowledged or even recognized, please know that they are …

5 New Year’s resolutions for introverts

Introverts, if you made resolutions last year and didn’t keep them, try another approach for 2020. Focus on fine-tuning your strengths because being different — reserved, quiet, or out of the spotlight — has its advantages. Check them out! https://rollingout.com/2020/01/02/5-new-years-resolutions-for-introverts/

Leading while Black and Introverted

Jeri Bingham hosts the Hush Loudly podcast on WGN Radio in Chicago. Her podcast interviews a myriad of successful people who have preferences for Introversion about their experiences in their life and work. Recently, Jeri hosted a panel for the Chicago State Foundation titled “Leading While Black and Introverted” and The Myers-Briggs Company’s Dr. Rachel …

How do introverts protest?

Introverts protest the same way we do anything in life — with substance, with analysis and with reflection. Black introverts feel deeply about what’s happening in the world today but must know ourselves well enough to choose our lane of comfort or create a new one. What that means is we must use our voices …

Nope, I’m not a Vampire

Nope, I’m not a vampire. No, I’m not hiding in my office. No, I’m not allergic to lights.  These are the typical responses I have ready, when peppered with questions from co-workers about my intimately lit office. Yes, I keep the bright overhead lights off. Yep, I enjoy the minimal, soft lighting of my lamp.  …